Scientific results


International reviews

  • Hazotte A.A., Peron O., Abdelouas A., Montavon G., Lebeau T. (2016) Microbial mobilization of cesium from illite: The role of organic acids and siderophores, Chemical Geology, 428, 8-14.
  • Briant N., Chouvelon T., Martinez L., Brach-Papa C., Chiffoleau JF., Savoye N., Sonkec J., Knoery J. (2016) Spatial and temporal distribution of mercury and methylmercury in bivalves from the French coastline, Marine Pollution Bulletin.
  • Béchet B., Joimel S., Jean-Soro L., Hursthouse A., Agboola A., Leitão T.E., Costa H., do Rosário Cameira M., Le Guern C., Schwartz C., Lebeau T. A plot-to-city scale assessment of the spatial variability of trace elements in allotment gardens of four European cities, Journal Soils Sediments (DOI 10.1007/s11368-016- 1515-1).
  • Péron O., Gégout C., Reeves B., Rousseau G., Montavon G., Landesman C., ‘‘Anthropogenic tritium in the Loire River estuary, France’’, Journal of Sea Research, 118, 69-76, 2016.
  • Cornu, J.Y., Dépernet, C., Garnier, C., Lenoble, V., Braud, A., & Lebeau, T. (2017). How do low doses of desferrioxamine B and EDTA affect the phytoextraction of metals in sunflower? Science of The Total Environment, 592, 535-545.
  • Bouquet D., Braud A., Lebeau T. (2017) Efficiency of Brassica juncea for phytoextraction helped by chelates of lead-contaminated soils: effect of the origin of contamination. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 19, 425-430.
  • Cornu J.Y., Huguenot D., Jézéquel K., Lollier M. Lebeau T. (2017) Bioremediation of copper-contaminated soils. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology,33 (DOI: 10.1007/s11274-016-2191-4).  
  • Omrani, M., Ruban, V., Ruban, G. and Lamprea, K., 2017. Assessment of atmospheric trace metal deposition in urban environments using direct and indirect measurement methodology and contributions from wet and dry depositions. Atmospheric Environment, 168, pp.101-111.
  • Briant N., Savoye N., Chouvelon T., David V., Rodriguez S., Charlier K., Sonke J., Chiffoleau JF., Brach-Papa C., Knoery J., 2018- Carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic ratios of filter-feeding bivalves along the French coasts: An assessment of specific, geographic, seasonal and multi-decadal variations. Science of the Total Environment, 613, pp 196-207.
  • Peron O., Fourre E., Pastor L., Gegout C.,  Reeves B., Lethi H.H., Rousseau G., Baglan N., Landesman C., Siclet F., Montavon G. Towards speciation of organically bound tritium and deuterium: Quantification of non-exchangeable forms in carbohydrate molecules. Chemosphere 196 (2018) pp 120-128.
  • Hazotte A., Péron O., Gaudin P., Abdelouas A. Lebeau T. (2018). Phytoextraction of cesium by red clover in hydroponics and soil systems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1974-6.
  • Le Guern C., Bouquet D., Jean-Soro L., Béchet B., Lebeau T. (2018) Management initiatives in support of the soil quality of urban allotment gardens: Examples from Nantes (France). Land Degradation & Development. special Issue on NBS,
  • Joimel S., Capiaux H., Schwartz C., Hedde M., Lebeau T., Le Guern C., Nahmani J., Pernin C., Salmon S., Santorufo L., Béchet B., Cortet J., 2018. Effects of geogenic lead on collembolan and fungal communities in garden topsoil, Pedosphere, 28(2), 215-226, (JCR IF(2017) 2,13)
  • Péron O. Suzuki-Muresan T., Abdillahi D., Gaudin P., Abdesselam A., Lebeau T. (2018) Dual effect of pyoverdine on the phytoextraction of cesium from illite. Environmental Chemistry Letters. DOI: 10.1007/s10311-018-0790-z
  • Younes, A., Alliot, C., Mokili, M., & Montavon, G. (2018). Is Polonium-210 a good indicator for anthropogenic radioactivity? Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 33(8).
  • Verlinde M., Gorny J., Montavon G., Khalfallah S., Boulet B., Augeray C., Larivère D., Dalencourt C., Gorgiotis A., 2019. A new rapid protocol for 226Ra separation and preconcentration in natural water samples using molecular recognition technology for ICP-MS analysis. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 202:1-7 · February 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.02.003
  • Thi Hong Hanh Le, Michel H., Champion J., 210Po sequential extraction applied to wetland soils at uranium mining sites. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 199-200:1-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.12.027
  • Péron O. Suzuki-Muresan T., Abdillahi D., Gaudin P., Abdesselam A., Lebeau T (2019). Dual effect of pyoverdine on the phytoextraction of cesium from illite. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 17, 521-526.
  • Le Houedec S., Thibault de Chanvalon A., Mouret A., Metzger E., Launeau P., Gaudin P., Lebeau, T. (2019). 2D image quantification of microbial iron chelators (siderophores) using DET method. Analytical chemistry, 91, 1399-1407.
  • Jalali J., Gaudin P., Capiaux H., Neji Saidi M., Ammar E., Lebeau T. (2019). Environmental impact of phosphogypsum piles in Tunisia. Environmental Ecotoxicological Safety, 174, 12-25.
  • Stoïanov A., Champion J., Maurice R., UV–Vis Absorption Spectroscopy of Polonium(IV) Chloride Complexes: An Electronic Structure Theory Study. Inorganic Chemistry. 2019, 58, 10, 7036-7043.
  • Araújo D F., Ponzevera E., Briant N., Knoery J., Sireau T., Mojtahid M., Metzger E., Brach-Papa C. Assessment of the metal contamination evolution in the Loire estuary using Cu and Zn stable isotopes and geochemical data in sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume 143, June 2019, Pages 12-23,
  • Knoery J, Cossa D., Thomas B., Gregory G., Rigaud S. SUSANE, a device for sampling chemical gradients in the benthic water column. Limnology and oceanography : methods. 2019
  • Nivesse A-L., Thibault de Chanvalon A., Baglan N., Montavon G., Granger G., Péron O. An overlooked pool of hydrogen stored in humic matter revealed by isotopic exchange: implication for radioactive 3H contamination. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2019:
  • Braud A., Gaudin P., Hazotte A., Le Guern C., Lebeau T., 2019. Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of lead using Fagopyrum exculentum: laboratory vs field experiments. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 21(11):1072-1079, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2019.1606778
  • Cornu J.Y., Randriamamonjy S., Gutierrez M., Rocco K., Gaudin P., Ouerdane L., Lebeau T. (2019). Copper phytoavailability in vineyard topsoils as affected by pyoverdine supply. Chemosphere, 236, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124347. Epub 2019 Jul 10.
  • Le Berre S., Bretesché S., Having a high-risk job: Uranium miners’ perception of occupational risk in France, The Extractive Industries and Society, Elsevier, 2019. ⟨10.1016/j.exis.2019.11.011⟩
  • Ferreira Araujo D., Ponzevera E., Briant N., Knoery J., Bruzac S., Sireau T., Brach-Papa C. (2019). Copper, zinc and lead isotope signatures of sediments from a mediterranean coastal bay impacted by naval activities and urban sources. Applied Geochemistry, 111, 104440 (11p.)
  • Martin A., Landesman C., Lépinay A., Roux C., Champion J., Chardon P., Montavon G. (2019). Flow period influence on uranium and trace elements release in water from the waste rock pile of the former La Commanderie uranium mine (France). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Volumes 208–209, 106010, ISSN 0265-931X,
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Gaudin P., Jean-Soro L., Le Guern C., Eric Lichtfouse, Lebeau T. (2020). A new assay of bacterial selection with Pb reveals an unexpected effect of Pb on bacterial behavior. Implications for remediation. Environmental Chemistry Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s10311-020-00986-y.
  • Jalali J., Gaudin P., Capiaux H., Ammar E., Lebeau T. (2020). Isolation and screening of indigenous bacteria from phosphogypsum-contaminated soils for their potential in promoting plant growth and trace elements mobilization. Journal of Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110063.
  • Jalali J., Gaudin P., Ammar E., Lebeau T. (2020). Bioaugmentation coupled with phytoextraction for the treatment of Cd and Sr, and reuse opportunities for phosphogypsum rare earth elements. Journal of Hazardous Materials, sous presse
  • Sauvaget B., de Fouquet C., Le Guern C., Brunet J.F., Belbeze S., Roussel H. (2020) Anticipating geochemical compatibility to reuse excavated soils at urban scale: are usual statistical tools effective? Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Volume 213,


International conferences

Oral communication


  • Hazotte A., Péron O., Gaudin P., Grambow B., Abdelouas A., Lebeau T. Role of Pseudomonas Fluorescens and the siderophore pyoverdine on the phytoextraction of cesium by red clover in hydroponics and in soil pots REIMEI Workshop 2016, février 2016, Mito, Japon.
  • Bretesché S., Chardon P. Controversy around old french uranium mines: between global and local regulation, 25th International Scientific Events, Ecology and Safety, 23-27 juin 2016, Elenite, Bulgarie.
  • Cornu J.Y., Dépernet C., Braud A., Garnier C., Lenoble V., Lebeau T. Efficiency of Desferrioxamine B and EDTA for improving the phytoextraction of trace elements by sunflower. EUROSOIL, 17-22 Juillet 2016, Istanbul, Turquie.
  • Lebeau T., Hazotte A., Péron O., Gaudin P., Abdelouas A. Role of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the siderophore pyoverdine on the phytoextraction of cesium by red clover in hydroponics and soil. EUROSOIL, 17-22 Juillet 2016, Istanbul, Turquie.
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Gaudin P., Jean-Soro L., Le Guern C., Lebeau T. Developing a secured cropping system for lead moderately contaminated allotment gardens. EUROSOIL, 17-22 Juillet 2016, Istanbul, Turquie.
  • Bouquet D., Braud A., Lebeau T. Coupling lead phytoextraction by Indian mustard and soil bioaugmentation: Strain selection and comparison of bioaugmentation with the supply of EDTA. EUROSOIL, 17-22 Juillet 2016, Istanbul, Turquie.
  • Le Guern, C., Jean-Soro L., Béchet B., Land-use evolution as a factor of spatial distribution of trace element contamination in urban garden soils. COST Urban allotment gardens - Growing in cities, 9-10 septembre 2016, Bâle, Suisse.
  • Briant N., Knoery J., Chouvelon T., Brach-Papa C., Chiffoleau JF., Savoye N., Sonke J. Systematic Study of Stable Isotope (Hg, C & N) in Bivalves Along the French Coastline: Preliminary Results from the Trococo Project. ICHMET, 12-15 septembre 2016, Gant, Belgique. 
  • Branchu P., Joimel S., Douay F., Lefebvre G., Rémy E., Béchet B., Neel C., Dumat C., Scimia J., Lebeau T., Cambier P., Schwartz C. Risques environnementaux et sanitaires dans les jardins. 4th Conference on maintenance of amenity areas JEVI (Jardins Espaces Végétalisés et Infrastructures), 19-20 octobre 2016, Toulouse.
  • Péron O., Gégout C., Reeves B., Lethi H. H., Pastor L., Fourré E., Rousseau G., Siclet F., Landesman C., Montavon G., Speciation of Organically Bound Tritium REIMEI Workshop 2017, (Nantes – France - Février 2017)
  • Briant N, Chouvelon T, Savoye N, Martinez L, Rodriguez S, Brach-Papa C, Chiffoleau JF, Grouhel-Pellouin A, Sonke JE, Knoery J (2017). The use of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to infer the origin of organic matter, and potentially associated trace metals, transferred to bivalves: An example for mercury along the French coast. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe, 7-11 May 2017, Brussels (Belgium).
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Gaudin P., Jean-Soro L., Le Guern C., Lebeau T.. Sustainable Urban Agricultures: Vector for the Ecological Transition, 6-9 juin 2017, Toulouse
  • Béchet B., Le Guern C., Jean-Soro L., Lebeau T. Geochemical mapping and urban allotment garden soil management. 14th International - AquaConSoil Conference, 26-30 juin 2017, Lyon, France.
  • Sauvaget B., Le Guern C., de Fouquet C., Towards geochemical quality indicators of urban soils. Example of the "Ile de Nantes"(France). AQUACONSOIL 2017, Juin 2017, Lyon, France. 2017
  • Bouquet D., A. Lepinay, P. Gaudin, L. Jean-Soro, C. Le Guern et al.  In situ management with a secure cropping system for moderately lead contaminated allotment gardens. AquaConSoil Conference, 26-30 juin 2017, Lyon, France
  • Champion J., LU L., Landesman C., Montavon G. Application of Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique to the Determination of Polonium in Natural Water. 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC17), 17-22 septembre 2017, Jeju, Corée.
  • Lebeau T., Hazotte A., Péron O., Abdillahi D., Kimura T., Suzuki-Muresan T., Gaudin P., Abdelouas A.. A. Role of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the siderophore pyoverdine on the phytoextraction of cesium by red clover in hydroponics and soil. 14th International Phytotechnologies Conference, 25-29 septembre 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • Omrani M., Jean-Soro L., Ruban V. 2018. Platinum Group Elements Mobility in the Urban Road Environments. 6th International Conference on emerging Contaminants (EmCon2018), 25-28th of June 2018, Oslo, Norway
  • Le Berre S., Bretesché S., "L'uranium au futur antérieur : se souvenir, dire et prédire le risque", Colloque international inter-disciplinaire "Contaminations, environnement, santé et société", Toulouse, 4-6 juillet 2018.
  • Bretesché S., “Risque et radioactivité. Retour un programme interdisciplinaire entre radiochimie et sociologie », Colloque international et interdisciplinaire, « Contaminations, environnements santé et société : de l’évaluation des risques à l’action publique », 4-6 juillet 2018, Toulouse.
  • Kocsis J.B., Bouzouidja R., Körmöndi B., Kósa E., Csaba D., Bodénan P., Beaujouan V., Béchet B., Bournet P.E., Bulot Z., Cannavo P., Chantoiseau E., Daniel H., Lebeau T., Vidal-Beaudet L., Musy M., Adell G.. How to use nature-based solutions in urban planning systems of Europe? 10th ICUC, New York, 6-10 august 2018.
  • Bouzouidja R., Béchet B., Cannavo P., Lebeau T., Beaujouan V., Bournet P.E., Bulot A., Chantoiseau E., Guenon R., Daniel H., Vidal-Beaudet L., Javier B.A., Bodenan P., Musy M., Adell G. 2018. Impact of nature-based solution on urban soil quality in different urban areas of Europe; 21st World Congress of Soil Science - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 12-17 August
  • Hassan Loni Y., David K., Larrue S., Chardon P., Montavon G., Grambow B., Temporal uranium records of oak tree rings (Quercus Petrae) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a former uranium mining site (Rophin, France), Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA, 12-17 August
  • Montavon G. et al. The Rophin site in France - a place to conduct interdisciplinary research on NORM/TeNORM-related issues ; 3rd European Radiological Protection Rearch Week, Rovinj, Croatie, Octobre 2018
  • Le Berre S., Bretesché S.,"The Vendean Uranium between acceptance and nuclearity (1945-1991), Colloque international inter-disciplinaire "Socio-environmental Trajectories of Mining Territories" (TRAMIN 2018), Chambéry, 15-18 octobre 2018.
  • Sauvaget B., De Fouquet C., Le Guern C., Roussel H. Calculating Geochemical Baseline in Urban Soils with Undedicated Datasets: Revisiting the Fundaments. Colloque CSME (Contaminated Site Management in Europe: Sustainable Remediation and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water). 22-26 octobre 2018
  • Thi-Hong-Hanh LE, C. Den Auwer, G. Montavon, H. Michel, J. Champion, 210Po sequential extraction applied to uranium mining wetland soils, ATAS 2018, Nice (France), 6-9 November 2018.
  • Fichtner A., Sachs S., Rossberg A., Scheinost A., Arnold T., Montavon G., Stumpf T., Investigation of a wetland contaminated by uranium mine tailings in central France, RadChem 2018, Marianske Lazne
  • Cornu J.Y., Randriamanonjy S., Gutierez M., Rocco K., Lebeau T. 2018. Can the addition of bacterial siderophores help in the phytoextraction of Cu from vineyard topsoils?19th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 19), Royat, France.
  • Sauvaget B., De Fouquet C., Le Guern C., Roussel H., Geochemical baseline of urban soils with undedicated datasets: link between methodology and environmental policies, 15th International AquaConSoil Conference, 20-24 mai 2019, Anvers, Belgique
  • Araujo D., Ponzevera E., Briant N., Knoery J., Sireau T., Bruzac S., Brach-Papa C. Biogeochemistry of Cu and Zn isotopes in sediments and bivalves mollusks from coastal systems of France. EGU, May 2019
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Gaudin P., Jean-Soro L., Le Guern C., Lebeau T. In situ management with a secure cropping system for moderately lead contaminated allotment gardens, 10th SUITMA, Séoul Corée, 16-21 juin 2019.
  • Jalali J., Gaudin P., Capiaux H., Emna A., Lebeau T. Bioaugmentation of a phosphogypsum-compost mix by selected bacteria for phytostabilization and rare earth elements phytomining, 10th SUITMA, Séoul Corée, 16-21 juin 2019.
  • Bouzouidja R., Béchet B., Cannavo P., Guenon R., Szkordilisz F., Körmöndi F., Babi Almenar R., Nold F., Claverie R., Adell G., Lebeau T.. Nature-based solutions as alternative to tackle urban water and soil management challenges: A distributed experiment in three climate regions, 10th SUITMA, Séoul Corée, 16-21 juin 2019.
  • Marseille F., Boithias L., Larami S., Moulin J., Franck-Neel F, Béchet B., Towards Taking Into Account The Multifunctionnality Of Soils In French Urban Planning Documents 10th SUITMA, Séoul Corée, 16-21 juin 2019
  • Randriamamonjy S., Gutierrez M., Rocco K., Gaudin P., Mouret A., Metzger E., Capiaux H., Lebeau T., Cornu J.Y. Can the addition of bacterial siderophores help in the phytoremediation of vinyard soils? Goldschmidt, 18-23 august 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Le Guern C., Lepinay L., Aujoulat, Capiaux H., Jumas-Bilak E., Lebeau T., Licznar P., Flahaut B., Augris P., Bodéré G., Béchet B. Fate of antibioresistance, pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors from a former municipal landfill (Webinar). EGU, 3-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.
  • Knoery J., Thomas B., Brach-papa C., Birant N., Bruzac S., Chouvelon T., Crochet S., Le Monier P., Ponzevera E., Sireau T. Temperate, macrotidal, turbid estuarine behavior of mercury species. The case of the Loire river. (Webinar). EGU, 3-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.


  • Canavese M., Bouquet D., Lebeau T., Rémy E., Béchet B., Jean Soro L., Le Guern C. Feedback from an experience with phytoremediation: Cross-learning between scientists and gardeners. COST Urban allotment gardens - Growing in cities, 9-10 septembre, Bâle 2016, Suisse.
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Gaudin P., Le Guern C., Jean-Soro L., Lebeau T. Développement d'un système de culture associant phytodépollution et cultures potagères. 4th Conference on maintenance of amenity areas JEVI (Gardens, Green spaces and Infrastructures), 19-20 october 2016, Toulouse.
  • Le Guern C., B. Bechet, A. Lepinay, P. Conil. (2017) Dynamics of emerging organic pollutants from a municipal landfill EGU - General Assembly 2017, Avril 2017, Vienne, Autriche
  • Le Guern C., B. Bechet, A. Lepinay, P. Conil (2017). Occurrence and fate of emerging pollutants in groundwater from a municipal landfill - AquaConSoil Conference, 26-30 juin 2017, Lyon, France.
  • Bouquet D., Braud A., Lebeau T. Coupling lead phytoextraction by indian mustard and soil bioaugmentation: Strain selection and comparison of the coupling efficiency with phytoextraction associated with EDTA. 14th International AquaConSoil Conference, 26-30 june 2017, Lyon, France.
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Gaudin P., Le Guern C., Jean-Soro L., Lebeau T. Effect of pyoverdine-producing bacteria on lead speciation of a non-point source contaminated soils. 14th International AquaConSoil Conference, 26-30 june 2017, Lyon, France.
  • Briant N., Knoery J., Chouvelon T., Brach-Papa C., Chiffoleau JF., Savoye N., Sonke J. Insights from the spatial and temporal distributions of mercury species and isotopes in bivalves from the french coastline. 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, ICMGP 2017, July 16-21, Rhode Island, USA.
  • Briant N., Chouvelon T, Brach-Papa C, Chiffoleau JF, Savoye N, Sonke J, Knoery J. Biomonitoring along the french coastline : could mercury isotopic composition indicate a temporal change in Hg reaching the coastal zone ? 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, ICMGP 2017, July 16-21, Rhode Island, USA.
  • Le Houedec S., Thibault de Chanvalon A., Mouret A., Metzger E., Launeau P., Gaudin P., Lebeau T. 2D image quantification of microbial iron chelators (siderophores) using DET method. Goldschmidt 2017, 13-18 august 2017, Paris, France.
  • Briant N., Knoery J.,Chouvelon T, Brach-Papa C, Chiffoleau JF, Savoye N, Sonke J,.Multi-Isotope (Hg, C & N) approach to assess mercury origin along the French coast. Goldschmidt Conference 2017, 13-18 August 2017, Paris, France.
  • Jalali J., Gaudin P., Capiaux H., Emna A., Lebeau T. Environmental impact of phosphogypsum piles in Tunisia. Goldschmidt 2017, 13-18 august 2017, Paris, France.
  • Jalali J., Gaudin P., Emna A., Lebeau T. Phytoextraction of rare earth elements from phosphogypsum piles in Tunisia. 14th International Phytotechnologies Conference, 25-29 september 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • Bouquet D., Lépinay A., Braud A., Jean-Soro L., Le Guern C., Lebeau T..Coupling lead phytoextraction by Indian mustard and tomato with soil bioaugmentation: strains selection and comparison with EDTA. 14th International Phytotechnologies Conference, 25-29 september 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • Omrani M., Jean-Soro L., Ruban V. Platinum Group Elements Geochemistry in the Urban Road Environments, 18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, 26-29 november 2017
  • Fichtner A., Sachs S., Rossberg A., Scheinost A., Arnold T., Montavon G., Stumpf T., Investigation of a wetland contaminated by mine tailings in Central France, VKTA-RCA 2018, Dresden.
  • Fichtner A., Sachs S., Rossberg A., Scheinost A., Arnold T., Montavon G., Stumpf T., Investigation of a wetland contaminated by uranium mine tailings in central France, RadChem 2018, Marianske Lazne.
  • Zalouk-Vergnoux A., Poirier L., Augris P., Flahaut B., Le Guern C., Bechet B., 2018. Impact of an old landfill on the organic compound contamination of surface and groundwater - From landfill to the Loire Rive. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU General Assembly, Vienne
  • David K., Hassan Loni Y., Larrue S., Chardon P., Montavon G., Grambow Bernd, Temporal uranium records of oak tree rings (Quercus Petrae) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a former uranium mining site (Rophin, France), 14th Workshop on Laser Ablation, 26-29 june 2018, Pau, France.
  • Béchet B., Lamy E., LassabatereL. , Andrieu H., 2018. Solute and colloid transport in unimodal and bimodal porous media 2nd ISMC Conference:New Perspectives on Soil Models, November 5 – 7, Wagenigen, Pays-Bas
  • Le Guern C., Béchet B., Besnard C., Bretesché S., Briant N., Fleury G., Jean-Soro L., Knoery J., Lépinay A., Montavon G., Navarro Carascal O., Plottu B., Tendero M., Lebeau T., POLLUSOLS: diffuse contamination from land to sea, 15th International AquaConSoil Conference, 20-24 mai 2019, Anvers, Belgique
  • Le Guern C., Jean-Soro L., Béchet B., Lebeau T., Bouquet D., Nature Based Solutions to manage the soil contamination of urban allotment gardens: examples from Nantes (France), 15th International AquaConSoil Conference, 20-24 mai 2019, Anvers, Belgique
  • Franck-Neel C., Le Guern C., Limasset E., Keller C., Lebeau T., Branchu P., Béchet B., Mapping Soil Ecosystem Services For Urban Planning: Current Tools and Challenges 10th SUITMA, Séoul Corée, 16-21 juin 2019
  • Ponzevera E., Ferreira Araujo D., Brach-Papa C., Briant N., Chouvelon T., Sireau T., Bruzac S., Rozuel E., Knoery J. (2019). Copper, Zinc and Lead isotopes in mollusks to trace metallic marine coastal contaminations. Goldschmidt Conference 2019. August 18-23, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Briant N., Knoery J., Chouvelon T., Thomas B., Ponzevera E., Brach-Papa C., Savoye N., Bérail S., Sonke J.E. (2019) Hg, C and N stable isotopes as tracers to assess mercury sources and transfer into coastal marine food webs. AGU Fall meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, USA.
  • Bechet B., Beaudet-Vidal L., Branchu P., Cannavo P., Delolme C., Jean-Soro L., Lebeau T., Le Guern C., Marseille F., Schwartz C. Soils in the urban critical zone - Analyse of anthropogenic pressures and current proposals to preserve soil functions and ecosystem services. EGU, 3-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Books / Books chapters

  • Bouzouidja R., Bouquet D., Pierart A., Shahid M., Le Guern C., Jean-Soro L., Dumat C., Lebeau T. (2018) Metal contamination in urban soils: which managements using nature-based solutions for the development of a safe urban agriculture? In: C. Sanchez-Hernandez (Ed.). Bioremediation of Agricultural Soils Science Publishers, chapter 6. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group (on invitation).
Mis à jour le 09 June 2020.